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Apr 02, 2018
Marx|Okubo Senior Associate Soojin Hur has been selected as one of the charter members of the Access Code Collaborative (ACC), a diverse stakeholder group representing building/facility owners, so we wanted to take a moment to raise some awareness and encourage participation.
The ACC was created by the Division of the State Architect (DSA), which is authorized by California statute to develop and propose building code regulations related to access for persons with disabilities to public buildings, public accommodations, commercial buildings and public housing, aka California Building Code Chapter 11B.
Without formal decision-making authority, the ACC functions as a consultative or advisory body to improve stakeholder collaboration in DSA’s disabled accessibility code development process. The ACC is made up of 13 stakeholder representatives:
Members can:
ACC & the Triennial Code Adoption Cycle
ACC members are currently participating in pre-cycle activities for the 2018 Triennial Code Adoption Cycle. During the last two meetings, ACC members have provided input and feedback on amendments proposed by DSA. The DSA is also holding two public meetings and will officially submit proposals this May. Here is the Triennial adoption cycle timeline.
As a stakeholder, you have a voice in shaping the disabled access building code provisions. Marx|Okubo welcomes your comments and engagement as we continue to cover upcoming code changes.
Evolving Code (Proposed Building Code Changes)
New editions of California's building codes are published every three years (triennial cycle). Half-way in each triennial period, an intervening code adoption cycle produces supplement pages (amendments) to the building codes.
The Division of the State Architect - Access Compliance (DSA-AC) develops and proposes building code regulations related to access for persons with disabilities to public buildings, public accommodations, commercial buildings, and public housing, aka Chapter 11B of the California Building Code (CBC).
DSA-AC has created a list of potential amendments to Chapter 11B and is currently developing draft code language. As a charter member of the ACC, Soojin Hur of Marx|Okubo has provided input on behalf of building and facility owners. It is our opinion that the following code changes are significant. We'd like to share them with you to review and provide feedback.
The second of the two public meetings will be held on April 12, 2018 where you can provide input before the proposals get submitted to the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) in May 2018.
DSA-AC is also accepting code change suggestions for the 2018 Triennial Code Adoption Cycle. Suggestions submitted after the deadline for the 2018 Triennial cycle will be considered for the next cycle. You can suggest code changes for DSA's consideration by completing and submitting the following form.
The following are five evolving codes, among many, that will be discussed at the April 12, 2018 public meeting:
Evolving Code 1: Alterations to Existing Public Housing Facilities
Evolving Code 2: Transfer Type Shower
Evolving Code 3: Vertical Clearance at Existing Multi-Story Parking Facilities
Evolving Code 4: Accessible Means of Egress
Evolving Code 5: Adult Changing Facilities
Marx|Okubo is a national architecture/engineering/construction consulting firm that works with real estate owners, investors and lenders—at every point of the property lifecycle—to evaluate their building projects, solve complex challenges and implement tailored solutions. We help clients understand their projects’ complexities, so they can make more informed decisions and, ultimately, mitigate their risk.