Mar 23, 2020
The COVID-19 outbreak is creating a level of uncertainty that is unprecedented in recent times. All of us are grappling with both personal and business decisions that change from day to day. During this time of uncertainty, we here at Marx|Okubo want to keep you informed of the working status of our firm and our dedication and ability to support you, in order to ensure that you have one less thing to worry about .
We are fortunate that subsequent to the World Financial Crisis (WFC), Marx|Okubo embarked on and invested in a technology strategy and infrastructure that would allow full mobility and integration of our staff across our multiple offices and 24/7 access to critical data and client information. While we did not and could not have foreseen this current pandemic outbreak, we did learn from the past that events with major business impact implications can occur incredibly fast. We are glad and confident to be in a position to not only provide safety for our staff, but also continue to be available for you.
Like many companies, out of an abundance of caution for our staff and the population at large, this week Marx|Okubo has directed all of our staff members across the country to work from home. Fortunately, due to the aforementioned transition to better technology, we are open for business—remote, but still connected. This decision provides additional assurance that we have taken precautions so that our firm’s population is not only protected and healthy, but also the separation will maintain our ability to provide the necessary support and services you need from us during this time.
Being fortunate to have a great, diverse group of clients, we are acutely aware that, similarly, your needs will be unique to you and your firm. Please know that our commitment to you is to answer every call, every text, every email, with your files and company forms at our fingertips. We are prepared to serve you and are confident that, just like the post-9/11 and the WFC periods, we will help each of you navigate these rapids to the calm water on the other side. Through video, teleconferencing and screen-sharing meetings, we are committed to safe and effective communication with each of you.
We have created interim protocols to accommodate the potential limitations that are already, or will likely, be experienced for all of our building assessment and construction service activities. We will continue to update these as often as needed and have instructed all of our teams and project leads to clarify any safety, access or protocol changes that are being implemented on a project or building prior to site visits. Please know we will be reaching out to those of you with active projects to discuss an approach best suited for you during this time; that is, one that is property-specific, given the broad variation in actions being taken by state and local governments across the country.
We will continue to keep you informed as you take on the ever-changing challenges for your real estate assets and companies. As always, we look forward to continuing to be your trusted advisor—it is a role we always take very seriously and appreciate very much. To assure you are able to reach us, please find our Executive and Regional Leadership contact information below:
**Executive Team:
**Jim Marx,
Parrish Boren,
**Denver Region:
**Christian Stover,
Michael Silverman,
**Southern California Region
**Chris Geier,
Mark Graves,
**Northern California Region
**Sandy Blair,
Gerard Lee,
**Northwest Region
**Allan Thunder,
Corey Petersen,
**Texas Region
**John Wilder,
Rand Silverman, [](mailto:
**Northeast Region
**Stephen D'Arcy,
**Southeast Region
**Ed Bernard,
Charles Killebrew,
On behalf of the entire team at Marx|Okubo, it is our privilege to be asked to solve your most important problems at this most important time.
With warm regards,
Jim Marx, Executive Chairman
Parrish Boren, CEO|President